Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Moment in the Hermina Hospital, Bandung - Sept'13

Well posting this story only to record my longest stay at the hopsital because of the so called Demam Berdara/DBD/Dengeu Fever.
Ten days in the hospital and it was no fun at all. 
September supposed to be my birth month...and in fact I got the whole month recuperating. Well. Sakit itu memang ga enak ya? 

Chronological Story 

Woke up early Monday Morning and found out that I sweat and have fever til 39.6C n am burning like fire! I took some Panadol to ease my headache and hopefully lower the temperature, I continued to sleep.

Check in myself in an Emergency Room, got help but the fever is picking up again, and I feel very weak! Then I have to check in to the hospital, after registration I then wheel upstairs at the Fifth Floor, with the Typhoid Suspect and Dengeu Fever - both symptoms are very similar.

So Monday 9th September 2013 I must admitted to the hospital, I just asked if my headache can be cured - and the feeling of nausea and this fever can get rid of soon. 
I think my gastro acting up like usual... Apparently not!

Hermina Hospital Pasteur Bandung.
Room 554 

Foto by Tante Manni - Bluur at Room 554

Day 1/09-09-2013: can't do much - sleeping the whole day... Headache and really feeling miserable - suspect typhoid fever. After almost 4 hours at the IGD yaaa end up here ! Thrombocyt level is still 225.000. 

Day 2/10-09-2013 : still miserable n high fever, up n down. Already 8 bottles of IV and all damn antibiotics n injected stuffs! Half sleep and half awake! And my body felt bad 
The doctor said it is a Typhoid Fever Oh God!my joints hurt so bad too.... and
In the afternoon the headmaster of Pribadi School come with the Walikelas 6, ibu Ita and Ibu Endah. I don't feel good but still has to smile, and it was very nice of them. Abhq come and stay for a while and doing mostly playing game or sleeping before going home.

Aby is sleeping with his phone and HAqi with my headphone, after school coming here
Yup ABHQ are a bit worry and keep on asking me when I should be home, my prediction that I'd be home soon maybe in a couple days or so, and praying it is not a real dengue fever. Anti Rivai, my BFF is arranging Doi our mutual friend to bring the Propolis Melia and Fufang, a Chinese herbal for increasing the thrombocyt and stamina.

Finally the kids all hoping home and Tante Manni cannot stay because the other nanny is also sick and nobody is going to take care AbHq in the morning. their father is away attending a a Seminar in Jakarta. Well, with infus or IV at my right hand, not so much to be done...I drifted to sleep and waking up at 3Am feeling disoriented!

Day 3/11-09-2013: Blood Check Routine, suspect Dengeu Fever! 
They wake me up by taking my blood again for testing and it's only 6AM .i just can't sleep well last night because the Nurses keep on coming in and out of my room, especially after knowing am by myself in a big n so empty room.

The doctor told me my thrombocyt is down again to 165.000. Still in a range but the tendency is down...and  it means more IV and faster! They trend is going down just  as other things. I pray that the level would be picking up, the doctor Justine, said to me that it'd probably would be down til. Below 50.000 thrombocyt. My fever is picking up til 38 - 39.  ..luckily I feel fine ! My headache is gone then, but my body refused to cooperate, my blood count showing some lower leukocyte ...which is also frightening ...

Ibu-ibu yang baik from Pribadi Bilingual School, Anak kami semua bersahabat sejak kelas 1 SD, semoga persahabatan ini tetap bertahan sampai kapanpun. Thanks Ibu Jenderal, Bu Risa and Bu Lyda.
Make my!

Well, here I am still in the fighting spirit...headache gone but the whole body seems tired due to high's bu Apri and bu Lyda. Hermina, 11 September 2013, Rabu.

Sepagian till noon, many people coming and go, the mothers of Pribadi School because they know I'm sick from their kids and known from Haqi for sure.  I'm tired but the people who came lifted up my spirits...oh thanks for coming. Am alone again in a big room...tante Manni will join in the morning early n bringing my clothes n some of my pashmina. It seems like I might be in the hospital til end of this week! Hopefully the thrombocyt not going to be down that far...!

Day 4/12-09-2019 - have to accept Dengeu Fever...and the drill for curing it
The Nurse come in early again along with the lab person, taking my blood sample again.
And passing the myself..Well it's positive is a Dengeu fever because the level of thrombocyt is down again to 80.000 and the test result of my blood routine is also shows decreasing in every aspects, masha Allah! Hopefully Allah will bless me with great health again.

Now I have to accept the fact that I am having this Dengue Fever or DBD and the Doctor Justine told me this morning " there's no medicine fit enough for curing this DBD fever! the only cure for this is taking a good rest! bed rest even! and drink a lot of fluids! the IV to your body! and let's hope that the virus that made the thrombocyt low, will not severe enough and you bouncy back quickly enough" 

Then she said that I should take it easy on the food department, my LDL is quite high even though my total cholesterol level is only 157, the component is important...fortunately the rest of the result is quite okay, and she still not ruling out the typhoid fever too.

So I need to check blood every morning, plus observation if there's any bleeding in some areas, am not allowed to brush my teeth because avoiding any bleeding is important. Observation very 3 hours!  
I just said Alhandulillah because I feel least the headache is gone already.

There are few things that I need to drink once I confirmed as a Dengue Fever;
  1. Angkak Tea, it's a special kind of tea that function as anti viral too, so believed to increase stamina and the blood count of Thrombocyt .
  2. Sari Korma, or Juice Kurma or Dates Juice, well it's actually a syrup made out of Dates. I need to drink it but has to dilute in one cup of warm water. Believed to be increasing thrombocyt and leukocyte.
  3. Juice Jambu, It's a guava juice, and I have given a fresh guava juice twice a day from hospital,  ans bought big bottle of berry Juice, and terpaksa ga yaaa?
  4. The Fufang by Chinese Ejiou and The  Propolis by Melia. Anti Rivai my BFF is actually arranging these two things to be delivered to me. Thanks Doi for locating the Propolis and the Fufang and brought them over to me! brought by Doi, our mutual Uni Friend.

Foto with Doi, my friend since UNHAS time, herewith bringing all my meds.

Thanks so much Anti and Doi, without you pasti saya bakal terkapar ya yg lemas. Well, berkat banyak doping dan penambah stamina, even the thrombocyt terjun bebas turunnya, but the stamina is keping me intact, Alhamdulillah I don't feel that much painful like they used to tell me...but the headache stays...!! But the medicine from the doctor also help a lot!

In the afternoon, a partner from AMB foundation come and see me, Gada and his would partner for life..hehehe!  Doanya semoga cepat pulih and jalan lagi hahaha! Amin....and just found out that my Thrombocyt now down to 80.000 and normal minimum 150.000!

Gada Thanks for coming, she's coming with his Tuti

Ida Japp come with Doi, she's coming and made me laughing so hard. Thanks Ida Yunus for coming!

Then I slept with the will in my heart that I have to fight this and my stamina has to be better and so the lowest thrombocyt reach and I can fight it with all necessary doping, mds and a will of mind! Bismillah!

Day 5/Friday,13-09-2013: THINKING HARD ....and wish for the best!
Taking my blood sample as early as 6.AM. 
The Paramedics is quite helpful...and most of them always said encouraging words, maybe it's in their training that should always said positive words!

Nurse: how are you today? Any headaches? Nausea? Or fever ?

Me: Alhamdulillah I feel fine ! No headache n nausea, but my body is tired n my joints hurt all over !

Nurse: noted bu, and you are getting better! 

The result come again and The Thrombocyt is still down and falling really down indeed 54.000 left...ughh  But strange I feel okay so far! Taken antibiotics, vitamins, shots, IV, plus all the Sari Korma, Jambu Juice, the Chinese medicine Ejiao, The Tea Angkak, and Melia sari sarang lebah!
I feel bad so tired at night but can't help thinking how important being healthy yaaa! Tomorrow is another test!

At night my thrombocyt again falling hard to 38.000

I'm praying that the doctor making her best effort to help me, my head is spinning around and also the typhoid is gone replaced by the DBD Dengue!!!😥

The blood is all over me, the IV unhooked it was a horror! 
And it stresses me out!
Bismillah !

See .. The blood spills all over me because the nurse made a mistake, not locking the joint tube - duh! Alhamdulillah everything fine ! Go back to sleep if I can hiks! 

Day 6/ 14-09-2013, the moment of truth of having Dengeu Fever 
Ehhh wake up at 5AM - shalat Subuh first and having all those drinks again and my throat feel so sticky due to guava juice. And will receive so many visitors today. The blood test taken again and must be taken twice a day. At 8AM got confirmation that it down til 28.000 for thrombocyt and doctor advised to have transfusion on thrombocyt. and will have 3 packages of thrombocyt. Bismillah 

Alhamdulillah, I don't get the major headache like few days before, actually am feeling fine and I wonder why my thrombocyt is down when am feeling this way? Well that's the secret of your body I guess, the Dengeu fever can be dangerous when body is in shock, many people not survived because of no symptoms of whatsoever except for the fever that sometimes can be down simply by taking paracetamols. 😱
Naudzubillah min Dzalik !
Sembuhkanlah Saya ya Allah!!!

Many Visitors on Saturday,14-09-2013
I just received a BBM from Riana saying that she would be coming to Bandung to see me, my besties from AFS Year. Also from my Sistas Tiens n Sonia will come over with Sayf, told them to bring me Pampers for Adults hahaha! 😜 Also Snow also said will drop by this weekend to Hermina.

Snow, JC, and Tita come and stay for a while and talking a bit before heading back to JKT. Thanks for coming folks..!

Then my AFS Sista Riana came with her kids, Vira and Nugrah. Funny because when they are arriving Aby and Haqi just around them and they were not talking to each other - duhhh gadget bikin ga Ada komunikasi banget!

Riana comes with her children and she brought me the Buginese Materials, really nice.
Thanks for coming Sista Riana...and Vira n Nugra too

My Sistas Tiens and Sonia n Sayf tagging along also visited me today. They brought me my fave  moon cake specially brought from KL last week. 

Moon Cake brought specially by My Sista Tiens from KL

After the two groups were gone the sistas come and regroup with all of our typical sisters story. But I must highlighted that my friend's son whose older that Abiyyu by 2-3 years is seem like so uncommon, they sat side by side but didn't say a word... And usually they both like that when all adult are meeting n they were present!

Abiyyu ad Nugra busy with their gadgets and earphones

The Doctor's order:
Dr Justine came and said I need a transfusion of Thrombocyt at least 3 packets. And I'm amazed that this is going to happen to me and my thrombocyt level is 18.000; I hope that this mean the thrombo will be picking up soon. Hiks!

The transfusion is having slightly delay and made me a bit worry, I'm surprised that I feel quite okay and  am sure this is must be from having the traditional china Meds, juice Kurma, Juice Guava and the propolis. I just pray that I can communicate with dengue and ask it to go away soon!

My sons are asking "why Nenek mama not coming and visit her daughter" hahah they just made me laugh, I told them that Nenek Mama is not feeling well too! But she's praying hard for me too! 

Finally the transfusion starts @5PM.
Tiens and Sonia decided to wait for the result. And it's going to be around 9PM at night.
I will have 3 packets of this Thrombocyt via intravenous to boost the insufficient blood composition !

The IV Thrombocyt must be done in certain time otherwise cannot be used! 
Oh so stress out it made me!
Titien and Sonia supposed to be leaving at night and said goodbye already

The Result: the nurse came and give us the lab result! the Thrombocyt level is really down; to 12.000 and it's scary from 18.000 down to 12.000 after IV ! 

According to Dr Justine, it might work yet but she wants to see tomorrow result( but she's optimistic that it will pick up! And it has to hit lowest level first, before going up again! Hope it's a true case like that! 😱😱

Mama n Sista Umma are really worried sick! The whole gang and close friends are worried, and there's particular one who sounds so defeated since cannot help or anything! I become so stress out but can't do anything except wait til morning !  
I'm more sad somehow!
Mama ideas is to take me to Jkt and to the best hospital heheh! Even Sukma asks if I could be transferred to Jakarta aja ... By ambulance is better!  What can we do now is wait my dearest Mama! 

Then the Sisters, Tiens n Sonia have decided to stay until next lab test! They were coming back to stay with me at the hospital hehe even Sayf ikutan nginap lho! Kasian amat! I feel fine so suddenly!
Sayf is sleeping..!

Day 7/Sunday,15-09-2013
The early morning blood test with the hope that the level is going to be good this time ! I just have to believe what Dr Justin said last night that usually after transfusion the level hit rock bottoms and up again!
Praying that everything would be alright today at least transfusion works and up!

The result come again with a flying colors; Alhamdulillah ! Thrombo is up to 32.000 and dr Justine  is positive that is going to be picking up in the right direction Insya Allah Amin! 

The QITEP people that comes yesterday also asked me not to worry and brought me money haha; is it new tradition given sick people money when they are sick instead bringing foods and fruits hehe( it's quite substantial amount as well that probably come from everyone in the department hehe, feel so uneasy but maybe that's the tradition yaa? Never really in that office much to know! But I thank them much! Any cash can be useful yaa! Hehehe 👍

After Sistas left the hospital room is so eerie and empty, no one was with me. The kids are having their own program and was sleeping. In the afternoon Bu Jeanny mama Hanif and her husband came to visit me And brought a much needed Fruits Tartlets I love them so much.. Thanks so much I need the sweet so much!

Fruit tartlets kesukaanku! Thanks ya Mami 
Princess Baby yg cantik...make me so happy when she comes
Rissa, Dea and Cappo thanks all for coming.

Day 8/Monday 16-09-2014
Another morning blood test from the Nurse of the downstairs labs.
Not much happening today .. It's Monday and supposed to be a waiting game, my thrombo level is up yesterday so hopefully today also would be up !

It's UP to 64.000. ALHAMDULILLAH
Dr.Justine Artwanti SPD
She's the doctor I picked up randomly because I like woman doctor and apparently she's great and supportive to many aspects of the Dengeu Fever; she's also checking my liver function. 

Alhamdulillah as I get stronger the SGPT is up too! Check my blood Sugar; it's quite normal too! But why I felt itchy all over yaaa! Shoot!! The good news is I can go home if it reaches 100 up!
Day 9/Tuesday,17-09-2013
Morning routine and check again and the hope that it would be okay and according to Dr Justine if the Thrombocyt is up to a hundred thousands then I could go home! I'm so sure that the result is okay!

I feel okay, not as weak as before and my headache fantastically gone! Bismillah! The nurses told me I have 32 bottles of IV till today hehe

The couple of Imam n Evy arriving very early in the morning. Around 7am, just finished cleaning up! But not taking a bath yet. Imam is my partner at the AMB Foundation and he's having a lead on the possible project with MNC and One Oil Company and he wants me to sign some papers! I just sign with my IV intact and hopefully all that I signed will bring much much fortune Amin YRA - #specialpray
Thanks for Imam n Evy for coming and visit me early in the morning 
My blood test result is coming with the doctor, Dr Justine said my thrombo level has reached 115.000
Alhamdulillah Ya Allah

The Result 115 and I can go home 

Yiiipiii, he IV is off today and get ready to check out tomorrow! So happy! I will see my house and the direct sunlight hmmm !

At night I can eat my steak wahhh! I asked tante Manni to pack my bag and send some of the stuffs home. Aby Haqi are happy to know that I'm going to check out tomorrow !

I'm checking my Social media and email on my iPad n well try to get back to sleep!

Ibu RT and Tetangga di Cluster ku...Thanks so much bu Achmad and Bu Sutikno/

Day 10/Wednesday, 18-09-2014
Today is the day, one thing I enjoy since am off the IV ... I can go to the toilet without carrying that damn IV Step around!  And I usually made a mess with my IV and blood over again and the nurse has to clean it all over, since I refused to pee on the bed haha! Even on my weakest moments I still go to the toilet by myself ... :-) at night even... Just don't want to bother people like nurses hehehe! 
Good morning, I'm quite happy and feel a bit melancholy I don't know why! My head also a bit light don't now why, went back to sleep and woken up around 9am, feel sticky all around me - felt strange !,

Then I took a bath with my fave L'Occitane shampoo and when am done I feel so light headed and called out tante Manni, and I fell and fainted!  
Another day in the Hospital deyh beuhhh! I am closely monitored and it was a panic situation because I suddenly fainted in the bathroom I could feel myself fell down the floor! I feel so empty and lost!
my blood pressure was really low. 70/60 and I supposed to be in bed until it picks up and normal again since it was all normal yesterday duhhh ! What's wrong with me? Even the doctor was surprised I dropped so suddenly!
So I slept the whole day! Can't wait 
For tomorrow... I feel fine after sleeping and take some of the medicines!!

The D Day - Thursday,19-09-2014 

GOING HOME ... Can't wait and as I wheeled down by the nurse and finally feel the sun on my skin oh so good and at home at 3PM. Heaven on earth... The smell of the house and my room and my corner at the library, so familiar and those things I missed when in the hospital...!!

My dear small garden up front!
Setra Asri Residence
Alhamdulillah and I feel so alive!
Next time I must be careful and not eating sembarangan again hehe!
I must rest at home at least 2 weeks; well I guess it's okay lah!

Thanks Allah I'm home!
Thinking of my life ahead and hoping for the best of everything you have for me!

Bandung, September 2013