Friday, September 20, 2013

Periods in September 2013

This month begin with my birthday on 4th  of September 2013. It's Thursday and really thanks Allah SWT for giving me another year to realize that Insya Allah from this day forward my life would be changing to a better set up ya Allah !

Like my prayer that Allah will bless me with all the WINNING TIME This September onwards! Insya Allah CASE MA WINNING AMIN! RMI juga WINNING dan Beres! Semoga AMBF Sukses semuanya! Airlines dan juga Travel Insya Allah semua Sukses! Amin YRA!

I posted this:

Saya mengharapkan RidhoMU ya Allah!
Di Hari Ini saya berharap kasih sayang Mu, PetunjukMu, dan semua BERKAHI yang Akan menerangi Jalanku ke depan!

Pagi2 mau bikin kue ultah ga sempat karena badan rasanya ga enak betul. Akhirnya janjian sama my Boys untuk Early Dinner dengan mereka sebelum saya berangkat ke Jakarta For further meeting with friends and family.

At The Geulis Cafe Bandung :

I'm waiting for my boys while online. They  are straight from school and will Sholat Maghrib together!

Here they are hehe waiting for the meals to come hehe. Ada Tante Manni juga plus my driver and an assistant for Tiens, only not showing here.  Well, I ordered a Salmon Djudju Steak for eating them at 19.00 based on my Nutrionist schedule.

Finally heading up to Jakarta diantar sama Erwin, gue mampir di Citos meeting and End up on DJOURNAL Cafe. Not much I can do to eat because am on a strict diet. But am so happy because I have got a birthday present also brought to the meeting. A set of Royal Doulton 3 tiers Plate plus cup n saucer set for two including teapot!
So happy and ecstatic to have an additional 'Old Country Rose' Collection to my set! Yippee and BIG THANKS FOR  GIVING ME ON MY SPECIAL DAY!

You can imagine to pack up this set! So beautiful yaaa? I can imagine putting all the savories n sweet things on this plate and drink up from these lovely cups!
I still can not believe someone can read my mind over this things hehe! ❤️❤️🎁🎁❤️❤️

Finally arrived at Cipete House. It's late and I can see another blessing, a birthday gift awaiting for me from my dearest Sisters. Sukma and Tiens. 
I'm dancing again for the second time!

Found this lovely Gift on top of the table. And again dance I must, 💃💃💃
It's my gadget iPhone 5 with higher memory! And it is true to the 'Miss Gadget Ida' on her birthday! Alhamdulillah ya Rabbil Alamin!

That night, I can't sleep! Adoring my OCR Royal Set and Gadget of the Year! 
But I feel not full of myself... It's like I have got fever hinting somehow !

GUTE NACHT  und Ich Schlafe mich peacefully!

I've replied all those wishes from Path, twitter, FB n instagram also emails and many other forms like BBM, LINE, WA And Tango hahaha! 

Then I slept almost dawn!

❤️ 5 September 2013
The whole day spent meeting and lunch berdua Tiens and checking on the new office location for the new Glendale Development and so on!

Will have to take a meeting later on with bunch of friends and have to meet my besties and her family preparing to go back to UK. So dropped at Starbucks and continued dinner with my dearest friend and family too. Finally time to go and I feel a bit nausea I thought it was my gastro ! But I don't feel good at all!

Meeting again til late at nite and finished and said goodbye and I almost don't have much left tenaga. 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Meeting at Granadi Building, for AMB foundation that will work with few companies. All Plans lay out and strategies to talk about. It's also Ibu Ninin birthday lunch. She especially served  a birthday noodle that symbolized a long life and continued success in a journey! 

I just don't feel myself after the presentation I feel peaked, I kinda blame it to my diet but I have doing it almost two weeks and lost 4 Kg already so no worries...sebenarnya sih. Badan rasanya panas dari dalam! Buru2 ke Cipete saja untuk giving Tiens Her new Telkomsel Card for her new iPhone 5. I also ordered mine but not activated it yet!

Continued meeting and meet Matt again and want to have dinner together before heading back Bandung. My headache persists and my throat also felt very dry. Then decided to stay overnite and go home early morning saja. After pouring all necessary ointment then I sleep like a log! Wake up early morning and straight to Cititrans Pool, no time to wait for my driver to pick me up! I don't feel too good  n in fact I feel so tired and wanted to prepare for bali trip on Wednesday. 

Arriving in Bandung straight to bed and the kids are still at Saturday  class.  Waiting and take an inner self to fight this very strange feeling!

Lembang with Kids

Lembang, 08-09-2013

Taking the kids out ternyata tiring juga walau sdh spa pun! Aduhhh!

Hujan kecil n mendung menggayut ditingkahi thunderstorm hmmm,  ngantuk badannya pegal luar biasa akhirnya sy tertidur after pijat punggung.

Duduk di sini banyak angin hehe !  Akhirnya pulang n stop By The Peak For dinner and am not feeling well at all. Arriving home n moping n sleep through !
 At 2AM waking up sweating and burning til 39.6 C

Check myself into HERMINA IGD for I thought it's the usual bugs, apparently not, I can't open my eyes my body weakens n short breath !🔥🔥

So the story goes with wheel chair they took me into 5th Floor #554 to do observation on my condition ! I can't even speak and giving me Dr Justine. SpD, an Internist! Something is wrong with me ... I just wanted this headache and bad feeling to go away!